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Fun and Spoopy!

É um ótimo jogo de terror! me diverti bastante e super recomendo. Parabéns pelo trabalho, gráficos show de bola!

Neat horror game!  I thought this was a cool horror game 


nice game only problem i encountered was when the key came out of the vending machine it fell out of the map but other than that it was a pretty good game. cant wait for your next game. 

check out my vid if you want :)

Super creepy, and had a lot of fun! My only issue was scary ambient sounds were WAAAAY to often. After a while kinda just started ignoring them and not really caring if there was a random thud or scream, cause i was starting to understand it didn't mean anything.

Still though, this was an awesome experience and did an amazing job regardless. Can't wait to see more of your work! Hope you enjoy the video! 


Thanks a lot :) yea I can see the sounds gets a bit too frequent hehe, something to work on in my next project. Thanks for the feedback and the video.

i like the game

Thanks bro

Great game, not gonna lie. The jumpscares almost had me, but what got me scared the most was the atmosphere. The mood or vibe this game gave off was dark and mysterious. 8/10 great game!!

Thanks means a lot! :)

(1 edit)
Hey Max, another really great game of yours! 
I found it very entertaining! 
The best place was definitely the one where the 
subject had danced in front of the TV xD From me 4/5 stars!

Thanks mate! 

this is new game cool man! great job

Thanks my friend!

I think it could do without the random jumpscare sounds that didn't correlate to anything going on in the game and the grammar could be improved, but overall I thought it was great and really enjoyed it!

Sound design is so very hard, but thanks for trying the game and the feedback.

Bro Max Horror  Games  this was lit fam Max you gotta new gamer fan This Game get the love My guy!

hehe thanks man, thanks for trying it out.

im impressed

Thanks bro

no problem man! i encrouge you to continue your hard work! 

The stereo part YES!!!!!

YES!! :)

Just joined, how do I change pfp

i was about to back out the game when i had frame rate issues, but yknow what just go for it, playing this with 20-30 fps lmao. i didnt finish this btw, there was a pentagram and due to religion reasons, i had to stop it. had good scares though. good game.

Thanks for playing what you could :)


Link: (2nd game)


Whyyy not? :)

Whyyyy are you built like steve???

I've been trying to play but it isn't letting me (saying cannot read property of build) , I've even been trying to extract the rar file but still not, I play on windows 10

did you download from Itch App or website? I tried to google the problem, and it seems a bit random.

Hey man, first time with a indie horror game and I can say that I had a great time, definitely will check out your other games.

Thanks bro

error during installation  "cannot read property of build"

Windows only, Which system do you use?

Downloading from Itch app or website? seems it can happen when using the app. But i dont really know.

pretty good. I liked the atmosphere of this.


Thanks bro

Another great game! Loved the atmosphere and the sound effects. No clue why the intro music went this hard but it did and I loved it 

Thanks my friend :) Great video

This is an interesting start to this game, the graphics are great I really enjoyed how it looked. The game played well and mixed comedy with horror well also for a start it balanced those too very well, the sound design is good and envelopes you into the experience. Cont. in the description!

Thansk man! 

Hi Max Horror, thanks so much for making this game, yet another fun terrifying game full of jumpscares, I gotta say though that I found a couple of bugs in the game, like the vending machine key disappearing and not letting me move on to the next section of the game, but overall it was really enjoyable and you definitely got me scared. Keep up the great work!

Sorry about the bugs, They have their own life sometimes :)

I Liked it can't wait for more XD

This was the best of the 3 games from itch that i streamed together. The footage for this game starts at about 24 minutes.

The ambience in this game was great! Was pleasantly surprised at how well everything meshed, looking forward to your next project! 

May be the best of all the ones I've played in my series this month. Very good overall. I have critiques but solid and polished are two strong words to describe this game. 


Nice game bru very cool XD

wow nice game your game is so good

keep it up man

Thanks my friend!

This was a really well made and a very fun horror game! The story, voice acting and the simple progression was really well done and straight forward. The stuff in between were well placed so that it didn't feel like there was a long gap between the interesting or scary parts (except the bathroom part, though the Easter egg was nice!) 

You absolutely nailed the sounds! Whenever there was a sound, it was genuinely scary and it added to the atmosphere so well and made everything seem that much scarier! And the small map really helped focus in on the main parts of the game and elevate those scares as well.

One 'glitch' I found was that you could get stuck in the hung body room, not sure if that was just me doing something dumb but thought I might as well write it here. Another I saw was that the monster duplicated itself at the vent area if it catches the player; I saw the monster standing behind its jumpscare body.

Other than that, it was a great, great game! Unexpected main menu and faced paced with plenty of Easter eggs and good scares. You've done a great job and have improved a lot since The Book!

Thanks so much :) really happy you enjoyed this little game. Fuel for making more. Thanks.

Thank you very much and I look forward to your next game!

Thank you!


I had a blast with this one

Glad you enjoyed it :)

It was alot of fun recording this gameplay and LOVED the DOOM easter egg! 

hehe thanks! :)

I encountered a bit of a bug in the beginning of the game with the key, but other than that it was another hit of a game! Loving all the games you've put out! 

Thanks my friend :) I will keep trying to improve.

No problem! I look forward to more games!

This game was so loud, but honestly it was super good and I would love to see more!! 

Thanks bro


The game on the screen and the music is from Doom Eternal :)

Not a bad game at all, personally i didn't find it very scary though. I'm looking forward to seeing you grow as a developer though and if you want to watch, here's my video below! 

Tough making a legit scary game, but I will keep trying hehe :) Thanks for playing

really cool game liked it a lot. can't wait to play more games from you!

Thank you!

Отличная работа! Как всегда)

Thanks for the video!

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